ConfigMFI is a small application program for configuring Type/Creator setting menu for the More File Info CMM Plug-in. You can use the More File Info CMM Plug-in without this program. This program is only for those who want to edit the Type/Creator menu of the More File Info CMM Plug-in by themself.
When you start the ConfigMFI, the following dialog will be displayed on the screen and current menu items are shown in the list.
1. Change Type/Creator sub-menu items
You can add/remove/edit/rearrange the menu items from this dialog. The maximum number of menu items you can add is 32 (including separator lines).
2. Prescan unknown file with GraphicImporter checkbox
More File Info CMM Plug-in examines the selected file to see if the selected file is valid graphic image or not before it displays the contextual menu . This examination is done using both original method and QuickTime's GraphicImporter function. The GraphicImporter function is relatively slow and the GraphicImporter of QuickTime 3.0 is much slower than QuickTime 2.5. (this may be because the number of graphic image formats supported by QT 3.0 is much more than the ones by QT2.5) Anyway, there may be a chance that the contextual menu would not be displayed at all by the internal timeout caused by the slow performance of GraphicImporter. This is not good for other non-graphic files, and that's the reason I have added this checkbox.
When this checkbox is set to OFF, More File Info CMM Plug-in does not use GraphicImporter to examine if the selected file is viewable image or not. Therefore, the time lag until the contextual menu is displayed would be lessen. However, there's one side effect. Since More File Info CMM Plug-in does not examine the selected file with GraphicImporter, it would show the "View Image..." menu even if the selected file is not graphic image. Therefore, "View Image..." does not necessarry means that the selected file is viewable image. There may be the case that it ended up with the error message "This is not a valid image file or the image data is corrupted".
Practically, leave this setting ON if you are using QuickTime 2.5. If you are using QuickTime 3.0 and you have experienced the situation that the contextual menu was not displayed at all, change this setting to OFF and see what happens.
3. Date format
This radio buttons select the date format for the file's creation and modification date. The default mode is the "Abbreviated" date format.
4. Thumbnail icons checkboxes
There are two optional settings to determine the look of the thumbnail icons of the graphic image file.
Precise Aspect Ratio
This option determines the size of the thumbnail icons. If this checkbox is ON, the thumbnail icon size has the same aspect ratio as the original image. If this checkbox is OFF, the thumbnail icon size will be maximum (30 x 30 pixels).
Put Image Type Label
This option determines whether to put small image type label at the bottom right of thumbnail icon.
5. Save the changes and exit the ConfigMFI
When you complete editing, click on the OK button to save the setting back to the More File Info CMM prefs file in the Preference folder.
You do not have to restart your Macintosh. The change will be in effect right away.
Version-up History
1.3 May 20, 1999
• Expanded the maximum number of Type/Creator list menu item from 16 to 32.
1.2 Oct 26, 1998
• Added the 'Date format' radio buttons
• Added the 'Thumbnail icons' checkboxes
1.1 May 18, 1998
• Added the 'Prescan unknown file with GraphicImporter' checkbox
1.01 Mar 13, 1998
• Added Platimum appearance support
• Other minor modifications
1.0 Mar 1, 1998
• Original release (bundled with More File Info CMM Plug-in)
This software always must be distributed with More File Info CMM Plug-in. For the copyright and distribution policy, please refer the More File Info CMM Plug-in manual included in the same archeive file.